“Journal of Natural Sciences” is the new name of former “Bulletin of Natural Sciences” (Buletini i Shkencave të Natyrës). It is a scientific publication of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (FNS) at the University of Tirana, where original works with new and important knowledge from different disciplines of natural sciences are published. In addition, sometimes, columns with scientific and commemorative news are reported.
The Journal summarizes the results of the research-scientific work not only of the internal staff of FNS, but also for others, form inside and outside the country, in the disciplines: biology, biotechnology, physics, informatics, chemistry, industrial chemistry, mathematics, applied mathematics , etc. promoting them in national and international academic circles.Actually, the Journal is managed by the Publishing Council with 12 members that are chosen according to the respective departments and specialities. The Dean of the faculty is in the role of Chairman and Editor-in-Chief.The publication history of the Journal begins in 1947 under the title “Buletini i Institutit të Studimeve (Bulletin of the Institute of Studies) by the Institute of Studies as a non-periodical and in print format.In the following years, especially after the foundation of University of Tirana, the name of the bulletin underwent several changes, such as Buletini i Institutit të Shkencave (Bulletin of the Institute of Sciences), Buletini për Shkencat e Natyrës (Bulletin for Natural Sciences), Buletini Matematika dhe Shkencat e Natyrës (Mathematics and Natural Sciences Bulletin) etc. Even the periodicity of publication underwent changes while maintaining print format. Beginning from 2008 the bulletin started to be published twice a year under the name Buletini i Shkencave të Natyrës (Bulletin of Natural Sciences) simultaneously obtaining a provisional ISSN. From the year 2012 onwards the Bulletin is being published on-line (www.fshn.edu.al) with a permanent ISSN. Very recently, some important changes have been done and all the works and other materials are being published on-line (www.fshn.edu.al) only in English under the name Journal of Natural Sciences while maintaining the same ISSN.
Overview of the tasks of each of the managining authorities of the journal:
- Director (Honorary figure of the magazine)
- Editor
– Organizes all the work in the magazine and makes the connection between the editorial board and the scientific board;
– opens the call for articles in cooperation with the scientific board;
– divides the tasks in the editorial office and supervises their realism;
– collects incoming articles and distributes them for peer review in cooperation with the editors;
– supervises and approves the final material of the published magazine, before publication; - Scientific Board evaluates the content of articles by completing evaluation forms, according to the area of expertise covered by each member.
- Editorial Board performs tasks determined by the editor-in-chief according to the magazine’s specifications.
Prof. Dr. Eglantina KALLUҪI – Chairman Department of Applied Mathematics, (FNS, UT)
Prof. Dr. Munis DUNDAR – Member Depart. of Medical Genetics, Erciyes, TURKEY
Prof. Dr. Majlinda VASJARI – Member Department of Chemistry, (FNS, UT)
Prof. Dr. Arben MERKOÇI – Member Institute of Nanosc. and Nanotech. Bellaterra, SPAIN
Dr. Roza ALLABASHI – Member Univers. of Natural and Sciences, Vienna, AUSTRIA
Prof. Dr. Sajmir BEQIRAJ – Member Department of Biology, (FNS, UT)
Prof. Dr. Ariola BACU – Member Department of Biotechnology, (FNS, UT)
Prof. Dr. Petrit HODA – Member Research Center of Flora and Fauna, (FNS, UT)
Prof. Fioralba CAKONI – Member Depart. of Mathematics, Rutgers Univers. USA
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Ilir VARDHAMI – Member Department of Mathematics, (FNS, UT)
Prof. Stefan JANAQI – Member Researcher CERIS, IMT Mines Ales, FRANCE
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Ilirjana BOCI – Member Department of Industrial Chemistry, (FNS, UT)
Prof. Ass. Aldo F. DRAGONI – Member Dipart. di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Univers. Politecnica delle Marche, ITALY
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Alda KIKA – Member Department of Informatic, (FNS, UT)
Prof. Asoc. Dr. Gerti XHIXHA – Member Department of Physics, (FNS, UT)
Prof. Asoc. Aurora SIMONI – Member Department of Applied Mathematics, (FNS, UT)
Prof. Elio GIROLETTI – Member Depart. of Physics, Univers. of Pavia, ITALY
Scientific Board evaluates the content of articles by completing evaluation forms, according to the area of expertise covered by each member.
Editorial Board :
Arlinda ҪAÇI, (FNS, UT)
Editorial Board performs tasks determined by the editor-in-chief according to the magazine’s specifications.