Editorial Board
Chemistry 47 – 132
1.Square wave anodic stripping voltammetric determination of Hg (II) using carbon paste electrode modified with–rGO@Au
2.Multiwalled carbon nanotube-cpe modified electrode as a nanosensor for electrochemical determination of beta- blocker drug
3.Organic pollutants in Fierza lake
4.A rapid electrochemical platform for detecting thiamethoxam using a Ni-rGO carbon paste composite
5.Electrochemical sensor based on ZnO- modified carbon paste for sensitive detection of tetracycline
Industrial Chemistry 133 -147
1.Evaluation of fastness properties for cotton fabrics dyed with extract of saffron petals
Physics 148 – 266
1.A study of the linear and nonlinear dynamics of a trojan astrophysical object within exoplanetary system hd 126053
2.Gafchromic film ebt3 calibration for QA in radiotherapy
3.The transport of electrons in matter through the superposition algorithm and their dosimetry
4.Radioactivity in wild-growing mushrooms in the territory of Albania
5.Force concept inventory analysis by using indexes and Rasch model
6.Statistical report of microplastics (mps) contaminating the commercial table salts consumed in Tirana, Albania
7.Index of complementarity between wind and solar energy in Vlora, Albania
Applied Mathematics 267 – 309
1.The possibilities of real-time cyberattack detection through machine learning methods
2.Modelling energy market dynamics in Albania: a comparative study of advanced forecasting techniques
1.First record of oxycarenus lavaterae (fabricius, 1787) (hemiptera: heteroptera: oxycarenidae) for Albania
2.First records of Gonocerus juniperi Herrich-Schäffer, 1839 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae) for Albania and its new host plant
Review (Biology) 310-334
1.Brca1 and Brca2 genes: key genetic drivers in breast cancer risk and management
2.Respecting professional ethics principles while facing challenges in teaching associated with behavior disorders
Review (Informatics) 335 – 343