KEYWORDS : Charophyceae, Chara, Lamprothamnium, Tolypella, brackish water, Albania.
The present paper provides data on the occurrence, distribution, and ecology of four characean species collected in the central and southern parts of Adriatic coastal area of Albania. The study area includes two of the most important wetland complexes in the country (Divjaka-Karavasta National Park and Pishe Poro-Narta Protected Landscape), known for their rich biodiversity. Fieldwork focused on saline and brackish habitats and was conducted in spring and early summer from 2013 to 2023. The plant material was collected by hand from eleven localities, five of which belong to permanent lagoons, while the other six are temporary wetlands., recorded from seven localities; Chara canescensThe most frequent species found in the study area was papulosum Chara galioides DC were recorded from three localities, whereas Tolypella hispanica was found at only one locality. (Wallr.) J. Groves and Loisel. Nordstedt ex T.F.Allen
occurrence of L. papulosum and T. hispanica is reported for the first time in Albania. The findings of Chara canescens and C. galioides represent new localities for the country. The distribution of all four species in the SE Europe region was summarised according to published records from each country and shown on separate maps.