KEYWORDS : Lattice QCD, SIMULATeQCD, FermiQCD, GPU, performance, Inversion algorithms.


In this work we present a simple performance comparison of two main frameworks used by the Lattice QCD community for lattice calculations: FermiQCD and SIMULATeQCD, for the same algorithms, using Boriçi – Creutz fermions. Speaking for large scale simulations/calculations, the performance of the used package is the keyword to be focused. The idea of this work was to write and add to SIMULATeQCD the proper codes for Boriçi – Creutz action and test the performance of the inversion algorithms and the light hadrons propagators calculations with BC action, for both packages, so we can see which of them is the most appropriate package to be used for BC action for further studies. We have tested the performance of one of the most suitable inversion algorithms for BC fermions: Stabilized Biconjugate Gradient method, BiCGStab, implemented in SIMULATeQCD during this study. Also we present some simulations for the light hadrons spectrum with the BC action in quenched QCD, using SIMULATeQCD and have compared the results with our previous work, performed using FERMIQCD. The execution time and number of operations per second are evaluated in both cases. Simulations are made with gauge action on 48^4,64^4 lattices for a total number of 500 SU(3) gauge configurations and carried out on the Computational Physics Group’s server in the Department of Physics, University of Tirana.