The manuscript or the complete article must be sent by e-mail to the address of the Bulletin: [email protected], (also the confirmation of the co-authors) in the format required below, as well as accompanied by the figures (photographs) with good quality (if any). The magazine is managed by the Publishing Council consisting of 9 members. The Dean of the Faculty is also the Chairman of the Publishing Council. The magazine is published twice a year: May-June and November-December. Submission of articles to the editorial office is open at any time without a deadline.
Papers that are accepted mean that the manuscript has not been published before, in any other journal at home or abroad.
The manuscript must be written in correct and understandable Albanian language. Manuscripts in English are also acceptable, when the quality of the language meets the requirements, and the text has been previously edited by a person authorized for the English language. The manuscript should be formatted, leaving 4.5 cm or 1.77 inches, blank on all sides, in MS Word 97-2003. The writing must be Times New Roman, single line, separating the paragraphs from each other from the back with 6 pt, the general text (justified underlining) with font 11.
The general title is printed in CAPITAL letters in font 14 and in bold. Author(s) and addresses should be in 10 font, and together with the title, they should be centered. The title, all sub-headings and sub-headings are printed in bold. Keywords and key words (summary and abstract (Albanian and English), literature, all explanations and writings in tables and figures, formulas must all be in font 10. The article formatted according to these instructions, together with the formulas, tables, figures and photographs, graphics should not exceed the side margins.
The article must contain the following subsections: the title, the author(s) on one line, the corresponding corresponding address(es) (including the e-mail(s) of the first author and who maintains links with the Editorial Board) on separate lines, two Summary (in Albanian) and Abstract (in exact English) no more than 200 words or 20 lines. Keywords and key words (in Albanian and English, no more than six), Introduction, material and methods, results and discussion and/or Conclusions, Acknowledgments. Literature should be in font 10.
Also, summary information such as: Information, Discussion, Book Summary, Announcement and Review can be published in the Bulletin. Their correction can only be done by the Editorial Board, and for this reason these manuscripts must be prepared with special care.
The dimensions of tables, figures and photographs should not exceed 12 cm in width x 18 cm in length. Figures and photographs must be of good quality and captions clear and legible for black and white printing. Formulas must be clearly written with compatible symbols, so as not to create misinterpretations. Latin names of living things must be typed correctly and formatted in ITALICS.
How to write Literature within the text.
Literature citations throughout the article should be made using the name of the author, both authors, or the first author: eg. in direct use in period: Uherkovich (1963): Brakefield & Dowdeswell (1985); Van den Hoek et al. (1995); while in general citation: (Uherkovich, 1963; Brakefield & Dowdeswell, 1985; Van den Hoek et al., 1995). The literature should be written clearly and completely, all authors, full title, comprehensible name of the publisher and pages, as follows (for books and scientific articles respectively):
How to write the Literature at the end of the article.
Brakefield P. M. (1982): The ecological genetics of quantitative characters of Maniola jurtina and other butterflies. In: The biology of butterflies. Symposia of the Royal Entomological Society, London. No. 11: 167-190
Brakefield P. M., Dowdeswell W. H. (1985): Comparison of two independent scoring techniques for spot variation in Maniola jurtina (L.) and the consequences of some differences. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 24: 329-345
Uherkovich G. (1963): Contributions a’ la connaisance du potamo-phytoplancton de quelques fleuves de l’Albanie. Acta Botanica, Ac. Sci. Hungaricae, vol. 9: 161-172
Van den Hoek C., Mann D. G., Johns H. M. (1995): Algae: An introduction to phycology. Cambridge University Press: 1-624
Only correct and complete Manuscripts are accepted. It is discussed for review at the Editorial Board meeting. An anonymous Reviewer closer to the scientific field of the manuscript provides written feedback on quality and degree of improvement. The responsible author is informed by the Editorial Board, when the Manuscript needs further improvements or additions, and it is further published online at the address: (in the section of the Science Bulletin)